Music Ministry
Our Calling and purpose is to worship God in Spirit and in truth as well as to lead others into God's presence through worship. By being a part of this ministry you will meet many new friends and form lasting and meaningful relationships. You will also have many opportunities of service and ministry other than the Sunday morning worship experiences. And you will have the joy of leading worship, encouraging and influencing people in worship beyond the walls of this church. This will be an exciting journey! Please know that what we are about is WORSHIP, not performance. We are called to be worshipers - not to do worship.
How You Can Get Involved:
West Point Praise Team The West Point Praise Team plays a vital role in worship leadership at West Point. This team is charged with leading in all aspects of our worship service's. Volunteer positions within this team include not only instumentalist and singers but also AV volunteers. Anyone who feels called to this ministry should contact the Worship Ministry office at 828-287-0165 or email at
Children's Choir Ministry
We offer Children's Choirs for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. We want to lay a firm foundation as we teach our children at an early age to love music and develop a desire to worship through music. We teach Jesus! Music is our tool! Help your children to begin the journey of worship through music. The earlier the better and the more lasting it will be! From the lips of children He has ordained praise! Our Children's Choirs meet on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm.
Bob Daniel and Reuben Wingo working the controls in the Sound Booth |
Kid's Choir!! |
Worship |